Friday, July 24, 2020


I feel like we have just begun,
To count up all the costs
And how many times
We'll have to say,
"I'm sorry for your loss,"

Caren E. Salas

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Lately I've been feeling strange
As though I should say good-bye
Like I should tell my story
Before it's too late to try.
And I should show as much love
As my heart has strength to give,

And I should spend each moment
Remembering moments lived.
I see so much that's ending
Like innocence, love and peace
Yet things like fear and hatred
Continue to be released.

Lately I've been feeling strange,
Like I'm running out of time;
Things to see, people to meet,
Mountains I want to climb.
Things are coming to an end
Don't know how, or even when

Just a feeling that I have
That I won't be back again.
It's eating me up inside
Gnawing at me day and night,
And nobody will miss me
When I'm gone and out of sight.

Caren E. Salas

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Gazing out the dirty window
Recent rain streaking down
Making stripes of semi-clean view
I saw a rainbow in the distance
I couldn't take my eyes off it:
This band of color in a gray,
Post storm sky, shouting out,
Announcing better days ahead.
Glancing around me, I realized
No one else had noticed.
Focusing on their own lives
And troubles, they had missed it.
Nature had loaned us this gift,
For a brief moment in time,
As the bus just rumbled on.

Caren E. Salas