Monday, July 6, 2009

Climb Every Mountain...

During our recent trip to Yosemite, my oldest daughter and son, along with my husband, attempted to hike to the top of Half Dome. It's about 17 miles round trip and a tough hike even for experienced hikers. They encouraged each other on farther and farther until they reached the marker for the final 2 miles. At that point, they realized that if they were to continue, they may not make it back. A failure? Hardly!! They got farther than many people would have even dreamed about. Their goal was the stars, and maybe they didn't reach it, but they got far enough to look down at the earth and say, "Wow." I think we all need to aim for the highest point we can, yet know when it's okay to say..."Maybe next time." And hopefully you say that before you need to call the Rangers and be taken out by helicopter!
As for me, that morning as they prepared to set out on their adventure, I wished them luck and thought "Maybe next time I'll go too". As Mother Superior said (Sound of Music) ..."Climb every mountain...til you find your dream."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caren,

    I'm here, your loyal blog reader!
    Nice inspirational post.
