Friday, April 16, 2010


Well, I'm a little behind on my Poem a Day Challenge, but I'm catching up. I've written a lot of them but haven't had time to post them here. So...I'm gonna' get going on that. A few of them I won't be posting due to future publication concerns. Basically, if I think I may want to sell them, some editors will not accept work that has been posted on blogs - go figure. All of my 10 followers may be plagerizing me as I type. 

1 comment:

  1. lol I learned a few months ago about such ridiculous situations. I say if they don't have the balls then they shouldn't hold the position. It's sad how much the old adage that nothing comes free really does hold true throughout life. It's a good thing that I don't believe I have any works that are truly worthy of submission. In my opinion, I still have much to learn and improve on when it comes to writing poetry.
